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Buyer's Guide
What if I already know what I want to buy?
  Click here or click the "Quick Order" link in the Shop Online menu on the left side of our page. The link will take you to the form that lists all of our products on the website that you can purchase. On the upper left side of the page, you can choose to sort the products by product name (title), price or other parameters. Input the quantity you'd like to buy then click "add" next to the quantity. When you've selected all the items you would like to purchase, click "add to cart" at the bottom of the page. You can still look at the product details by clicking the "more info" link. Proceed to checkout once you're ready to complete your purchase.
What is a "heat waiver"?
  A Heat Waiver is a written understanding that Island Princess is not responsible for heat damage that may occur during shipping. As with all fine chocolates, Island Princess chocolates are heat sensitive. Unfortunately, no parcel carrier is able to insure against heat damage. In order to be certain you understand this sensitivity, we ask that you accept our "heat waiver" as part of your ordering process.
Can I buy a gift certificate?
  currently gift certificates are not offered on our website.
How do I find a specific Island Princess product I'm interested in?
  To find the product(s) you're looking for, you may (1) use the navigation menus on the top, left & bottom of our website. (2) type a keyword into the SEARCH box. If you have any trouble locating a product, feel free to contact us at (888) 925-5222 ext. 1214 or [email protected] for assistance.
How do I navigate the site?
  To navigate this website, simply click on a category you might be interested in. Categories are located on the top, left & bottom of our website. QUICK TIP: Place your mouse cursor over anything you think could be a clickable link. You'll notice that anytime you scroll over something that is a link, your mouse cursor will become a "hand". Whereas scrolling over anything that is NOT a link will leave your cursor as an "arrow". You may also type a keyword into the SEARCH box to quickly find a specific product. If you have any trouble locating a product, feel free to contact us at (888) 925-5222 ext. 1214, Monday thru Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (Hawaii Standard Time) or [email protected] for assistance.
How do I use a coupon or promotion code when I order?
  After adding items to your cart, click the "View Cart" link at the top of any page to view your cart. At the bottom of the shopping cart you'll see a box where you may enter your coupon or promo offer code, Usually unless stated, coupon or promo offer codes are "one time use" and apply to regularly priced items.